Refining A Brand Enabling Better Health
Milliman HealthIO helps employers, providers, health plans, and insurers manage healthcare risks, resources, and outcomes by empowering their communities with a digital platform that encourages healthy living. We helped the HealthIO team develop their brand identity — both visuals and key messaging — before designing and developing their new website.

The Challenge
HealthIO wanted to build a distinct identity that leveraged their parent company’s brand equity. HealthIO needed an edge in a competitive market, aiming to position themselves as the go-to digital solution for the prevention and management of chronic conditions. To resonate with their audiences, we needed to establish air-tight messaging and a strong visual identity.

A Robust Brand Identity
We began with a series of workshops, diving deep into HealthIO’s backstory, mission, audiences, and differentiators. After refining brand elements like value proposition, personality, and voice, we designed a visual identity — including colors, icons, and textures — that represents HealthIO’s optimistic, knowledgeable, pro-tech approach to health and healthcare.

A Strong, Modern Website
With HealthIO’s brand identity solidified, we moved on to their website. We concepted, wrote, and designed a visually engaging site that clearly speaks to HealthIO’s multiple audiences, showcases HealthIO’s advanced platform, and highlights HealthIO’s predictive, preventive, and empowering approach to health and healthcare.